Our company, registered in the Czech Republic, specializes in provision of commercial security, securing against the threat of terrorism and security advisory.

Our experience with the widest scale of security threats has been gained during a decade of securing of persons, events, facilities and property of the Czech Jewish Communities – one of the primary targets of a terror attack in the country.

Our knowledge is being applied in delivering service to the clients from among the entrepreneurs (e.g. securing corporate headquarters or other soft targets – privately owned facilities under threat of terrorism), individuals (e.g. securing the dwellings or recreational facilities), but also the Government (securing the critical infrastructure of the state).

Our vision is to provide the client with professional security solutions – efficient, sustainable, reliable, practical and cheap – and thus contribute to cultivation of the security environment.

Our method is based on identification and analysis of a problem, selection of a relevant security concept and its application to the specificities and the needs of our client.

Our advantage is an integrative approach to security based on the knowledge of a threat, which combines all the available security elements into a functional complex.

Magen Security Design builds on a counter-terrorist paradigm. The measures taken against the threat of terrorism are the broadest and involve the whole scale of approaches which can also be applied in an isolated manner – for instance in securing against threats to property, violent entry etc. – because all such partial threats are present in the threat of terror attack. Our method is based on this consideration. Main difference from our competitors lies in the complex attitude, founded on a logical structure: the definition of threat and its intensity – design of the measures for its prevention or solution.

In analyzing the type and the intensity of the threat, we focus on the specific situation of the specific client.. Do you run a sports arena, do you organize concerts? Then the type of threat is of different sort then if you own a fuels storage house and also the solution for you must be conceptually different.

As opposed to some competitors we in Magen Security Design do realize that the application of the appropriate measures requires the selection from the whole scale of available options – technical, personnel and regime related – and their accommodation to the particular situation. The investment in the number of protectors (guards) and electronic systems is almost in all cases disproportionately high when measured against their contribution to client’s security.

The measures against the collection of information on the facility, effective deterrence, lighting, simple mechanical barriers, double door system or trained “intelligent“ guards who do not only read the newspapers by the entrance – these are examples of relatively cheap and unsophisticated measures which can usually be applied alongside the expensive electronic and camera security systems and which have dramatic impact on the level of client’s security.

The solution you are looking for and which Magen Security Design will provide, is a balanced integrated system which will really protect your property, events, lives and health of your personnel, in contrast to the illusion of security sold by others – the distributors of universal electronic systems.

Consulting / Advisory

Threat and Risk Analysis

Based on orientation and consultation with the client, we will work out an analysis listing the specific threats against the client and/or his property, with assessment of their intensity (impact) and probablility. Such analysis should be followed by preparation of security plan providing solutions to the identified threats.

Security Reports

We will elaborate (more limited or large scale) security studies including client’s operations in defined territory, events, facilities, personnel. The object of the reports is the level of threat and suggested measures to decrease it.

Security Audit

Based on local survey and detailed inquiry into measures already in place, we will identify the gaps in the existing security scheme and propose improvements leading to the client’s security increase.

Security Planning

We will elaborate complex security plans for client’s facilities, events, personnel. The plan, based on the knowledge of threats and risks, will provide balanced combination of mechanical, electronic and personnel-related components to prevent and tackle them.

Crisis Management

  • emergency planning
  • procedures
  • coordination

We will prepare the plans and propose the right procedures to be implemented by the client in the event of and emergency/crisis (such as the fire, terrorist attack).

Cooperation with the Authorities

We will coordinate client’s cooperation with the relevant state authorities (Ministries, Law enforcement, Firefighters) in the field of crisis management, crime prevention, terrorism etc. We will negotiate, prepare and organize Police or Firefighters drill in the client’s facility, leading to hightened level of preparedness for the emergency situation.

Physical Security

Complex Security Design

We will propose the security system for client’s facilities, events or projects which combines all the basic components (mechanical, electronic and regime-related measures). We provide the relevant planning and projet documentation and will assist in the implementation of proposed measures.

Design of Partial Security Solutions

We will propose the establishment or improvement of individula security sub-systems – separate design of the access control (entrance), camera systems (CCTV), facility violation detection etc. The integration of the proposal into the existing broader security scheme will be included.

Security Technologies

Electronic systems, cameras, doors, gates, windows and other physical security means.

We will recommend and mediate the supply of the state-of-the-art technologies and their instalation.

Security Systems Testing

Upon consultation and in coordination with the client we will prepare and run a series of tests of implemented security measures. The goal is the identification of the insufficiencies in security enabling their correction. Both mechanical and electronic systems, as well as the protection staff’s work can be tested.

Instruction / Training

Lectures, Seminars

We will introduce the complex approach to security. The lectures/seminars/courses will be tailored to the client’s need and can cover a multitude of topics, including the terrorism and protection against it.

Instruction and Training of Guards

We will train your guards in use of the technologies installed/recommended by us, in principles of detection of suspicious persons/items, in emergency procedures and many others. The instruction will be tailored to the client’s needs.

Company Profile
PDF, 127 KB

Place of Business

Magen Security Design s.r.o.
Křivenická 411/12
181 00  Praha 8 – Čimice
Czech Republic

IČ (identification no.): 29025940
DIČ (tax ID): CZ29025940
bank account number.: 43-6491730207/0100
e-mail: info@magen-security.cz

Our company is incorporated in the registry maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague in section C, list 160926.

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